Wednesday, July 19, 2006



Do you day dream that something extraordinary would happen in your life, something that you really wanted to happen like perhaps getting $1,000,000.00 just for being in the right place at the right time. Some times when I am allow my thoughts to think what would I do with that much money I start thinking why does money have to be so important in our daily life? As I get older and older I started to feel sad about how our lives are based solely around money, now I know that some of you may disagree with me on this but think about it.Knowing that I have money my self esteem is higher, I know that personally if I find a girl/guy attractive it's alot easier for me to ask them out on a date because I can take her/him to "The" restaurant, or show what a stylish and classy place I live in. Money also makes me feel very proud of myself knowing that I can provide the best tools required to make life enjoyable for my whole familly. When you can provide the next best electronic gadget to your child/significant other it is undeniably the best feeling in life when they burst with joy over it!!!!

Be happy yet remember the old saying "Money isn't everything"

One way to make more money from home is through blogging. Through blogging you can make a great income just by allowing advertisers to advertise on your blog. Now I know some of you may think that is not right, blogs are just places where people connect with one another not money makers but why not if your connecting with people why not make a little money off of it that way you can maybe use that money to help some one in need. Making money with your blog may be easy for you, it all depends on whether or not you have great idea's that you are willing to put on the internet. In all my research the blogs that made money where the ones with incredibly great articles. That's it!! Ask the blogs that make money how they do it and they will tell you " Keep the readers coming back and you will make money."

There are many different programs to help you help yourself to find a higher level of income with out having to spend more time away from home. For single mothers there is a great business opportunity from your own home it was started by a mother in Britain who wanted to be with her kids. What she created was a magazine, it is a great opportunity for any one who wants to earn money from home. What she did was she first thought about what her overall magazine would be about, who her target audience was and then how she would get advertisers to advertise in her magazine. Advertises love advertising in home based magazines because it is usually alot cheaper than advertising in huge established national and international magazines, also they target a certain area of a state or city, even neighborhood. You can probably guess the advantages from that specified of ad targeting(lots of money for the ones advertising). If you charge for you advertising then you to can up your income. As you could probably guess this would be something that you could easily do from you own home.

With these two great idea's for increasing your money you are probably wondering how I am going to tie in everything I talked about before. Here it is: Money will always be apart of our world from now until as far as I can see, so the only way to make us not consume ourselves in it is to try and find the easiest way to make a decent living so that we can LIVE. We in this world need to breathe, we need to take time to try just try and be happy with who we are and with who is in our dance.

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