Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Finding Neverland

Alright today is not the greatest day of all time. Today is a day that I am setting out to find that elusive business that really delivers the goods! Not just promises that they will deliver, but in acuality delivers. That Neverland. . .

So I was researching again a company that I am an affiliate of MTT. Now as it turns out MTT is right now at a stage where either they become a power house in the advertising world or they turn out to be the biggest scam of all time. I certainly hope they deliver on their word but with any company promising what they promise it is going to be hard. Now to start with them advertising you business is pretty painless, you pay them a one time fee of $169.00 for them to start advertising one of your websites. After they recieve your payment it will take them 2 months to set up your website unless of course you choose to join their affiliate program and advertise their website then it only takes about 1 month to get up and running. Plus if you buy from yourself as an affiliate(becoming an affiliate in free) you make alot of the money back. Their affiliate program is amazing the compensation plan is outrageous, you will truly fall head over heals in love with this company I guarantee it!!!! That is of course if you choose not to read about the company.

I have been reading about the company as of late and so far I have found good and bad news. Bad news is that alot of people have supposedly been ripped off and the good news is that they never ever mention what happens so I am assuming that they get their money back. I emailed the different people and asked them to tell me exactly what happened: well none of them have responded so I am assuming that MTT fixed their problem though I am unsure as of now.

What does all this have to do with Neverland? Well I am sure you can draw the conclusion, it seems that the older I get and the harder I try the farther away play time, happy time and of course finacial freedom becomes. Now why is that? Why do so many people advertise and promote untruthfully? It seems almost impossible to find someone who is acually telling the truth and not just ripping you off. So what should I do? I guess I should stick with google and this blog which is supported by the people clicking on the ads that google places on this site. Google is great because they are one company on the internet that YOU can trust. They are honest and if you join the Google Adsense program it can make you alot of money if you remain honest and the site remains good. Google really does a amazing job with giving ads that really go with the content on your site. So all the ads are relevent and not just put there.

As I try to find the Neverland of the really world every arrow points in Googles direction. Neverland has never been so far and so near at the same time!!

Next up: The Invisible Class

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